FASoft n-Track Studio


ex-Team DUMPz
19 Апр 2004
n-Track Studio 5.1.0 Build 2302 + patch; 16,8 MB
Пароль на архив: http://dumpz.ws


16 Апр 2006
Fasoft n-Track Studio v6.0.0.2392​

[ Latest changes ]
n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2392 Released - Saturday, September 20, 2008 10:40:00 AM EDT, 2 days ago
Fixed freezing when adding Emu PowerFX hardware based VST plugin
Fixed Asio output pairs beyond first or second silent
Fixed program not recording a channel if the other "stereo to 2 mono" channel is set to "Don't record from this channel".
Newly recorded tracks not crossfaded
Fixed compatibility problem with Amplitube plugin on Windows Vista
Fixed graphic glitches when opening CDBurn window
Cleaner window layout during program startup

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2381 Released - Saturday, September 6, 2008 8:00:00 AM EDT
Fixed adding Reason as Rewire plugin caused n-Track to stop responding
Fixed files generated by v6.0 caused crash when imported in version 5.x

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2374 Released - Monday, September 1, 2008 5:00:00 PM EDT
Added continue button in About box, some users didn't realize that the box goes away just by clicking anywhere on it
Fixed crash with the n-Track DirectX plugins playback
Fixed layout problem in Preferences/Options box

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2372 Released - Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:00:00 AM EDT
Fixed error overwriting DirectX plugins presets saved with n-Track 5.x on Windows Vista
Fixed X appearing insteead of wavefrom until clicking with mouse after applying Edit/Normalize command
Speedup in adding/removing tracks when using a multichannel soundcard and Live input processing on

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2371 Released - Friday, August 29, 2008 3:34:00 PM EDT
Fixed realtime crossfade applied to parts that are totally overlapped
Signal Path mouse wheel zoom

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2369 Released - Thursday, August 28, 2008 2:00:00 PM EDT
Fixed program remaining stuck in volume envelopes editing mode when switching to another program with Alt+Tab and then back to n-Track clicking on the taskbar icon
Skin changes

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2368 Released - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:13:00 AM EDT
Fixed volume envelopes not working correctly when looping section of a song via the "Transport/Loop selection" menu command
Fixed cursor returning to normal arrow when 'place marker' button is pressed and mouse is moved out and back over the timeline axis

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2367 Released - Sunday, August 24, 2008 12:30:00 PM EDT
Fixed noise bursts when recording using Asio drivers and low buffering
Fixed toolbar Undo buttons always disabled
Fixed waveform drag crosshair widget appearing multiple times when dragging horizontal scrollbar
Fixed setup "error registering EQ" message

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2363 Released - Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:00:00 PM EDT
Fixed tracks showing incorrect waveforms during recording

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2362 Released - Friday, August 22, 2008 3:00:00 PM EDT
Cancel option in "Ready?" box that appears starting recording when "Ask for ready before recording" option is set
Fixed problem with recording devices channels "right" and "stereo" having "left" channel name
Fixed n-Track Drums not producing output when added with Live toolbar button off

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2360 Released - Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:00:00 PM EDT
View/Toolbars submenu to show or hide toolbars

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2359 Released - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2:00:00 PM EDT
Speedup of most destructive wave editing operations (copy, cut, silence, insert etc.)
Speedup generation of npk files used for displaying waveforms

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2358 Released - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 4:27:00 PM EDT
Fixed volume envelopes not correctly latency-compensated when song has plugins with latency
Signal path window now correctly reflects all aux send/return routing combinations (Pre/post-fader, Pre-Post-inserts etc.)
Fixed "silence selection" command (Ctrl+ X icon on toolbar) freezing program if Control key is held pressed too long

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2355 Released - Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:27:00 PM EDT
Navigator window no longer requires .Net option to be active
Fixed program not saving effects plugins when reloading a saved song
Fixed problem opening n-Track DirectX plugins in v5 after v6.0 has been installed
Reopening the program brings back song configuration as it was when the program was closed

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2352 Released - Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:27:00 PM EDT
Mp3 conversion dialog box and 'Recover Raw Wavefile' no longer require .Net to be enabled
EQ box band boost/cut value can be clicked and edited with keyboard
EQ box updates current band just clicking (without moving) on a band 'dot' in the frequency response box

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2351 Released - Saturday, August 2, 2008 2:27:00 PM EDT
Fixed timeline Zoom Selection command giving unexpected results when vertical timeline scrollbar wasn't at the top of its range
Reduced clicking/jerkiness in looped playback of a portion of a song
Skinned time position and up/down control in transport toolbar

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2349 Released - Friday, August 1, 2008 2:27:00 PM EDT
Fixed crash when looping portion of a song
Fixed install error message of 64 bit version
More descriptive input and output channel names when using Asio drivers

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2348 Released - Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:07:00 PM EDT
Fixed crash when importing tracks from audio CDs
Disabled automatically adding tracks to song when clicking the Live button when at least one track has been manually armed

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2346 Released - Friday, July 25, 2008 2:52:00 PM EDT
Fixed slow refresh of VST plugins properties boxes

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2345 Released - Friday, July 25, 2008 7:00:00 AM EDT
Fixed 64 bit version setup error

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2343 Released - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:18:00 PM EDT
Fixed error saving DirectX plugins presets
Fixed need to be Administrator in Windows Vista to be able to change shared Vst plugins folder (made a per-user setting)

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2342 Released - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 5:49:00 PM EDT
Fixed "select left timeline bar" button settings not correctly saved
Fixed crash related to graphic drawing of transport toolbar when undocked from the main toolbar

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2341 Released - Monday, July 21, 2008 5:49:00 PM EDT
Automatic recording to new tracks is now disabled when one or more tracks are manually armed for recording, so that if you press record in a blank song the program records all input channels to new tracks, while if you arm one or more tracks of an existing song only the relative inputs are recorded
Fixed 'Enter registration codes' box missing from About box
Fixed crash clicking on about box when trial version is expired

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2338 Released - Thursday, July 17, 2008 3:10:00 PM EDT
"Monitor Live input" timeline left bar button
Rec button in timeline left bar lights when track is receiving live input and input is set to "Record to new track"

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2337 Released - Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:30:00 AM EDT
Peformance optimizations

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2336 Released - Monday, July 14, 2008 4:53:00 PM EDT
Fixed sporadic crashes moving volume sliders during playback
Fixed crash enabling and disabling the Live button during playback

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2335 Released - Saturday, July 12, 2008 1:20:00 PM EDT
Fixed difficult movement of volume envelope not when node is at bottom of range (-Inf)
Fixed Signal Path can't be restored to regular size after window is maximized, added option to show title bar when window is maximized

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2330 Released - Friday, July 11, 2008 1:20:00 PM EDT
Signal Path tooltips
Fixed Signal Path can't be restored to regular size after window is maximized, added option to show title bar when window is maximized

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2325 Released - Saturday, July 5, 2008 2:20:00 PM EDT
Performance improvements
Fixed graphic issues, inverted transport button images

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2322 Released - Friday, July 4, 2008 4:17:00 PM EDT
Realtime crossfade between parts overlapped in timeline, crossfade option in timeline popup menu[New feature]
RMS Level meters, with RMS+Peak option and support for K-System metering[New feature]
(Allow for more accurate metering of audio loudness and enables monitoring using Bob Katz K-System, with presets for K-12, K-14 and K-20)
Signal Path View window [New feature]
(Shows a realtime representation of the routing of audio signals in the audio engine, enables to intuitively alter signal routing parameters and connections)
Support for Wave64 file format [New feature]
(Support for wave files that have length beyond the 2 Gb limitation of regular .wav file, using either .wav or .w64 extensions)
The program no longer requires Microsft .NET to be installed and the 'Enable Microsoft .Net' setting in Preferences/Option can be disabled so that n-Track will not use .NET even if it is installed on the computer (a few UI features will be then disabled such as the Navigator window)[New feature]
Duplicate waveform dragging while holding down Windows key[New feature]
Per part volume knob in part properties box (that appears double clicking on waveform). Volume adjustment is visually to waveform[New feature]
Dragging a waveform beyond the end loops the wave file[New feature]
Angled edges of waveform frame, more angled when waveform end is open or looped[New feature]
Volume Envelopes: "Click adds node" toggle option to avoid inadvertedly adding envelope nodes. When "Click adds node" is disabled "Add node" must be selected from popup menu[New feature]
Volume Envelopes: when "Click adds node" is disabled mouse drags envelope segments
Volume Envelopes: set selected node to Maximum, Center, Minimum context menu commands[New Feature]
Volume Envelopes: text entering of selected node value[New Feature]
Fixed Mixdown dialog box asking twice if you want to overwrite destination file [Bug fix]
Fixed mixer stripe selection toolbar and mixer buttons not updating when skin is changed [Bug fix]
When skin doesn't contain a button in multiple-buttons image files (e.g. ntrck4.bmp) program reverts missing button to default button in default skin image file [New feature]
Color of track name text in left track bar customizable via Skin dialog box [New feature]
Mixer Sliders customization based on slider type: "Track_Audio", "Track_MIDI", "Master", "Aux", "Group", "Instrument", "ReWire", "Surround_Output" with "SendVolume" for send sliders (e.g. Slider0Track_AudioSendVolume.png, Slider0MasterDown.png, SliderHover0Track_MIDI.png, SliderDown0Instrument.png) [New feature]
Track EQ window Minimize-Maximize button in place of "Show All EQ Controls" popup menu command[New feature]
Removed odd 'Create also an [Mp3/Wma/Ogg] version in Mixdown dialog box and moved output format selection in Save As file selection dialog box[New feature]
Toolbar button to toggle the 'Song Comments' window[New feature]
"Open Containing Folder" option in audio file right click context menu[New feature]
Zoom Selection button now zooms all currently selected tracks, no longer only the 1st [New feature]
Wave file sizes are now expressed in Gb, Mb or Kb depending on size instead of always Kb[New feature]
Multiple external wave editors can be defined in the Settings/Prefrences/Paths dialog box[New feature]
Transport buttons (Play, Rec etc.) can now have custom width defined in Skin.xml [New feature]
Maximum wave file file size after which recorded tracks are split can now be customized in Preferences/Options box (it was previously fixed at 2 Gb) [New feature]
Improved program startup time [Optimization]
Fixed crash when importing MIDI files that have erroneos or corrupt information (e.g. some files exported by Hydrogen drum machine)[Bug fix]
Fixed 'Revert to last zoom' button having no action after 'Zoom All' command[Bug fix]
Fixed 'Voice-level activated recording' sometimes getting stuck always recording. Now it also disable 'auto-scroll timeline' (Ctrl+T). [Bug fix]
Fixed graphic redraw problem on Windows Vista of lower portion of CD Burn window. [Bug fix]
Fixed problem in CD Burn and Sampling Frequency Conversion window multiple-file file requester dialog box. [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2309 Released - Saturday, September 29, 2007 5:01:00 AM EDT
Fixed tooltips not appearing over volume envelopes nodes
Fixed transport toolbar background not using skin colors when not docked in main toolbar

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2308 Released - Friday, September 21, 2007 3:11:00 PM EDT
Fixed noise recording in 16 bit format when program is registered in 16 bit mode and using an Asio driver for a 24 bit soundcard
Tooltip that appears hovering over timeline axis now follows the cursor instead of being displayed in a fixed position
Option to customize size of volume envelopes nodes

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2306 Released - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:41:00 PM EDT
Fixed Splice to Grid not splicing first and last grid points
Fixed bypass setting not being remembered for effects in EQ window (when effect settings were left at the default values)
Fixed destructive wave copy, cut and paste not adjusting offsets if wave file sampling frequency was different from the current Preferences sampling frequency
Fixed crash when starting recording if 'Buffer writing' option was enabled in the Settings/Buffering Settings dialog box
Fixed Midi to Wav wizard adding only 1 audio track even if MIDI tracks have been converted to multiple wave files

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2304 Released - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:08:00 AM EDT
Enabling/disabling channels of multichannel audio devices in the popup menu that appears clicking on the channel name in the recording and playback meter windows
Splice to Grid command (Edit/Non destructive menu)
Fixed 'error saving Skin file' error 1st time program is run after installation (64 bit version)
Fixed crash clicking on + (Add Channel) button on recording and playback meter window

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Build 2303 Released - Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:08:00 AM EDT
Rename channel command in popup menu that appears clicking on the input or output channel name in recording/playback meter window
Filename of recorded wave files includes the name of the track (if recording to an existing track and the track name has been set)
Fixed incorrect range for MIDI tracks volume sliders


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15. 65 Mb

257 KB
Последнее редактирование модератором:


16 Апр 2006
Fasoft n-Track Studio v6.0.0.2397 + KeyGen
15.6 Mb


16 Апр 2006
Fasoft n-Track Studio v6.0.3.2449

Changes from v6.0.2 to v6.0.3 recap:
MIDI tracks now have parts similar to audio tracks [New Feature]
When dragging a .wav or .mid file into n-Track (from a folder or from a VSTi plugin such as n-Track Drums or EZDrummer) the program shows where the parts will end up when dropped [New Feature]
Trial period can now be extended obtaining trial registration codes from website [New Feature]
Compatibility fix for EZDrummer VSTi [Compatibility]
Compatibility fix for Melodyne VST plugin [Compatibility]
Ghost copies of MIDI parts allow editing the part once and have the edit reflected on all ghosted parts [New Feature]
Transpose up/down control, supports increments of 1/100 of a semitone [New Feature]
MIDI part transpose [New Feature]
Matrix Editing [New Feature]
Preferences/MIDI option to save Track settings (volume, pan etc.) as MIDI events in exported Midi file [New Feature]
No longer asks to use MIDI file tempo map when dragging and dropping .mid file [Bug Fix]
Faster loading of .sng files that have lots of MIDI parts [Performance]
Размер: 15.25 MB
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24 Фев 2004
n-Track Studio



16 Апр 2006
Fasoft n-Track Studio v6.0.4 Build 2475

Changes in n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Build 2475 (April 17 2009):
- New n-Track Multitap Delay effect [New Feature]
- Drag multiple parts accross tracks [New Feature]
- Auto scrolling when dragging parts [New Feature]
- Demo Song automatically opens when launching the program for the 1st time
- Grouping of track parts [New Feature]
- Song Start/Stop markers allow to define the points at which song playback will start and end [New Feature]
- Looped parts are parts of a single group so that they are dragged together [New Feature]
- Reveal in folder and insert into song options in Mixdown dialog box [New Feature]
- Option to not mute existing tracks when overdubbing (in popup menu that appears clicking on a track rec arm button) [New Feature]
- "Place Part at Cursor" command in timeline popup menu [New Feature]
- EQ boost/cut setting can be entered with keyboard after double click on EQ knobs in channel mixer [New Feature]

15.97 Mb
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