RAD Studio Building Your Own Design System: The Why and How


1 Окт 2007
Building Your Own Design System: The Why and How with Jason Beres
from Desktop First UX Summit 2021 (SEPTEMBER 1, 2021)
It’s no secret that there’s a huge disconnect between design and development teams, often referred to as “the handoff” — the moment when an app prototype is sent to the development team and they are expected to deliver a pixel-perfect live, production ready app based on the design. While these handoffs in sports often suggest a smooth, effortless motion — handoffs in app building are anything but smooth.
A key tool in solving this time-wasting and cost-filled effort is a design system. Creating or choosing an existing design system can dramatically reduce time to market, reduce cost and make design to development handoffs effortless. In this session, you will learn:
  • What is a Design System?
  • Benefits of Using a Design System
  • Choosing the Best Design System
  • How to Customize & Build Your Own a Design System
  • Real-world demo of effective handoffs with design to code solutions