Component .NET Reactor


2 Дек 2005
.NET Reactor

.NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system for software written for the .NET Framework, and supports all languages that generate .NET assemblies. Its' main features are :

  • Intellectual property protection
    • NecroBit Protection
    • Native Code generation
    • Code Virtualization
    • Obfuscation
    • Control Flow Obfuscation
    • Hide Method Calls (dynamic proxy)
    • String Encryption
    • Anti Tampering
    • Anti Debugging
    • Resource Encryption and Compression
    • Dependency Merging
    • Protects full applications and libraries (dlls)
  • Powerful licensing system
    • Create trial versions of your software
      • Set an expiration date
      • Limit use to a fixed number of days after installation
      • Limit by number of uses
      • Limit to use for no more than a set number of minutes each invocation
      • Limit trial version functionality
    • Easily turn your trial version into a fully licensed version
    • License your software
      • Permanently (non expiring license)
      • By time period (i.e rent your software)
      • By number of uses (i.e software as a service)
  • Software development kit
    • Integrate license checking into you assembly and extend licensing fuctionality
    • Extend licensing functions with bespoke extensions.
  • Deployment
    • Create .NET Core single file application bundles
When you compile a program written for the Microsoft .NET framework, the program you provide to your users is not compiled into a native executable program, but instead is translated into something called the Common Intermediate Language instructions (CIL). CIL is half way between source code and native code, and is interpreted by the .NET framework when your program is run, rather than executed directly as machine code. Because of this, the source code of your application or library can be easily reproduced. Tools such as .NET Reflector (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся) can reproduce source code from a compiled .NET assemblies in seconds, and in the .NET language of your choice! Clearly, commercial software distributed to end users without some form of protection is wide open to piracy and intellectual property theft.
The traditional solution to intellectual property protection in .NET is to use 'obfuscation', indeed Microsoft make an obfuscation utility available to Visual Studio users.
Obfuscation is the process of making your source code more difficult (but not impossible) for humans to understand. Obfuscation works by replacing the meaningful names you assign to classes, methods, properties and variables with meaningless ones. For example, it may replace a variable name of "counter" with "A4DF3CV89G" - to humans these obfuscated names are confusing and difficult to remember, but have no effect on the NET Framework interpreter. Note that obfuscation does nothing to the source code within your methods, so it is not protected at all by obfuscation. .NET Reactor does everything an obfuscator does, but then wraps your intellectual property in several more layers of protection, denying access to your source code to even those who are determined to steal your hard work.
.NET Reactor prevents decompilation by a variety of methods which convert your .NET assemblies into processes which no existing tool can decompile ( and which are also very likely to prevent decompilation by any future tool). .NET Reactor builds a native code wall between potential hackers and your .NET assemblies by producing a file which cannot be understood directly as CIL. Because the CIL in your assembly is emitted intact only at run time or design time (in a form in which the source is completely inaccessible), no tool is capable of decompiling .NET Reactor protected assemblies.

The native code wall created by .NET Reactor between the hacker and your source includes industry leading NecroBit technology, which is exclusive to .NET Reactor. These technologies make reconstruction of your source code more difficult by so many orders of magnitude that NecroBit is by far the most effective protection you can use for .NET assemblies.

In addition to industry leading intellectual property protection, .NET Reactor provides powerful options for securing you revenue stream by enforcing licensing terms with a rich variety of trialversion and full version locks.

.NET Reactor offers you an easy and reliable way to:
  • Secure your .NET applications and .NET libraries
  • Replace CIL code with native code
  • Perform additional layers of protection, including obfuscation
  • Merge assemblies, and
  • Protect your revenue by enforcing trial version restrictions and full version licensing terms.
Home: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Copyright © Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся


2 Дек 2005
.NET Reactor v6.5.0.0
v6.5.0.0 12-Nov-2020
  • Added .NET 5.0 protection support
  • Added .NET Core 3.x and .NET (Core) 5.0 licensing support for Windows based applications/libraries
  • New 'Anti Tampering' approach
  • Added option to exclude specific resources from encryption/compression ('Resource Encryption & Compression'->'Exclusion List')
  • Added merging and embedding support for localization/language resource dlls
  • Added obfuscation option 'Naming Convention'->'UnprintableWithoutLineBreaks'
  • Added protection support for Fody/Costura processed assemblies
  • Improved obfuscation support for JSON serialization
  • Improved 'Control Flow Obfuscation' runtime performance
  • Improved command-line protection speed. Depending on the file size .NET Reactor is up to 30% faster now.
  • Minor improvements
  • Fixed cross obfuscation issue affecting generic methods
  • Fixed 'Code Virtualization' issue
  • Fixed merging issue
  • Fixed Unity3D 'Control Flow Obfuscation' issue
  • Fixed minor bugs
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium


28 Янв 2020
Eziriz .NET Reactor 6.9.0 x64
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои