RAD Studio Launch Gen


8 Сен 2009
Launch Gen

I was tired of manually creating all of the icons and launch screens for mobile apps and then having to change them all again whenever necessary.
There are some apps and web pages that do some of this, but I found that the aspect ratio of the original images was not retained, the images were too large or it just didn't suit my purposes.
Launch Gen does precisely this and fills the remainder of the image with the background color.
The following steps are necessary before you can generate the icons/launch screens:
  1. Add a new project.
  2. Select the project file you wish to use.
  3. Load an existing image that the images to be generated are to be based on. It is recommended that you use a relatively large image such as 1024 x 1024 or above as a 1024 x 1024 image is now required for the iOS App Store icon. A separate image can be used for icons and launch screens if they are to be different. If the launch image is not defined, the icon image will be used for all of them.
  4. Check the platforms you wish to generate images for. All are checked by default. The 2x Width can also be defined. The 2x height is automatically calculated based on the launch image with/height ratio. 3x launch images are created based on the 2x size.
  5. Select the sampling filter you wish to use. There is no right one to use and very much depends on the base image you are using. It is best to experiment with this setting. The default is Mitchell.
  6. Select the background color to use. This can be done by clicking on the Pick Color button and then anywhere on the icon image. Any launch image created will have any transparency replaced by the background color.
  7. Select the output format that you require. The default will produce images with a smaller file size and are normally perfectly adequate. If you have transparency in your base image you should experiment with using true color.
  8. Change the compression ratio if you wish. The default is 6. Making it higher reduces the file size of the images generated.
  9. Save the changes (if necessary).
  10. Click on the Generate button. This will generate and display all of the images created. If the Windows check box is ticked, an ICO file containing 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72, 96x96, 128x128, 256x256 and 512x512 png images will be created as well as the two Universal Windows logo's. Images are created using the Mitchell filter. I haven't yet worked out how to create an ICNS icon Set. For convenience, the names of the files created is the same as the name of the relevant node in the project file e.g. Android_SplashImage960.png.
  11. Click on the Update Project button. This will update the project file with all images generated. Please note that the respective nodes will be replaced. The application will not add any nodes. A warning will be given if the nodes do not exist. A backup of the project file will be made first.
Previous projects can be selected in the Current Project box. There is no limit to the number of projects that can be stored. Projects can also be deleted

Launch Gen 1.1.1 from December 03, 2021
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Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои


8 Сен 2009
Launch Gen 1.1.3 December 16, 2021
Скрытое содержимое могут видеть только пользователи групп(ы): Premium, Местный, Свои